2019-09-18 Executive Board Meeting Minutes

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WAML Executive Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
University of Nevada, Reno, NV
[NOTE: Please see APPENDIX following the Minutes for referenced documents.]
Call meeting to order: 10:04 am

Officers in attendance: Susan Powell (President), Matthew Toro (Vice President), Tom Brittnacher (Past President), Louise Ratliff  (Secretary), Bruce Godfrey (Treasurer)
Others present: Chrissy Klenke, Phil White, Ken Rockwell, Greg Armento

  1. Approval of Minutes from last meeting
    1. Meeting minutes from May 10, 2019 (Approved)
      1. Action: Matt will check Roberts Rules for requirements for approval, given that some of last year’s Exec Board members are not in attendance.
  2. Officer Reports
    1. President (Susan Powell)
      1. 2019 conference attendance
        1. 52 registrants
        2. Good registration for pre-conference workshops
          1. 13 Best practices
          2. 20 Python
      2. Conference, vendors/demonstrations, planning
        1. Established guidelines last year
        2. Action: Susan will add them to the conference manual
        3. Vendor workshops, optional during lunchtime (Defer for later discussion during the year.)
          1. Topic: compensation for presenters (conference registration)
          2. Bring in Continuing Education Committee into the discussion.
        4. Form a program committee for future conferences
          1. Action: Matt will recruit volunteers for next year’s conference in Idaho.
        5. Discussion of conference hosting, locations, timelines.
    2. Vice President (Matt Toro)
      1. As newly-elected Vice President, Matt had no report.
    3. Past President (Tom Brittnacher)
      1. Last December the G-Suite was set up, and this is the first time for a transition of people.
        1. G-Suite for non-profits–free access
      2. Explanation of ownership/administration organization of G-Suite.
        1. Listserv changes July 1 for Exec Board membership
        2. EB members have access to shared drive folders
      3. WAML does not have its own address
        1. Should not be tied to a university
        2. Mailing
        3. Endowments
        4. MOU with Stanford for Archives
    4. Secretary (Louise Ratliff)
      1. The election was held under the direction of past-secretary Julie and new officers were announced. (COMPLETE)
        1. Recognition given to Julie for the work involved
        2. Action: Louise will consult with Julie about software for future WAML elections.
      2. Report on actions approved over email by Executive Board since the May 10, 2019, Executive Board meeting
        1. Conference space for vendors. Prices were changed from last year to:
          1.   Gold Level $500
            1. Large logo, tabletop, etc., space for demonstrations, and break
          2. Silver Level $250
            1. Medium logo, tabletop, space for demos
          3. Promotional materials
            1. Small amount – no charge for registered attendees
            2. Large amount – $50
    5. Treasurer (Bruce Godfrey)
      1. Running total, up by $1,000 but not all expenses are in.
      2. Domain name renewed this year ($196)
        1. Matt Parsons is “owner”
      3. Action: Exec Board will discuss possible WAML ownership of the domain.
  3. Appointed position reports
    1. Business Manager (Melissa Lamont)
      1. We sold no books. Last year I had hoped to get all of our occasional papers digitized, but things got away from me.  This fall I will get new quotes and see if we can get the process going.
    2. Membership Manager (Greg Armento)
      1. Membership is holding steady with 94 members, of which 82 are paid, new and/or renewed members, and 12 are lifetime.
      2. Action: Exec Board to consider this as part of consolidation
    3. WAML Archivist (Chris Salvano) – not in attendance, no report
    4. Information Bulletin Editor (Chrissy Klenke)
      1. 50th anniversary this year!
      2. Will send a call for submissions this week for the next issue (November)
      3. Usage statistics.  Action: Chrissy will submit to the Secretary
    5. Webmaster (daniel Brendle-Moczuk) – not in attendance, no report
    6. Social Media Manager (Sierra Laddusaw) – not in attendance, no report.
  4. Committee Chair Reports
    1. Continuing Education (Jon Jablonski) (Action: Table to next meeting)
    2. Web Communications (Sierra Laddusaw) – not in attendance, no report
    3. Ad hoc Mission Statement Task Force (Philip White)
      1. Written report submitted
      2. Phil summarized the work of the committee: The Mission and Vision Statement Task Force was convened at the 2018 WAML annual meeting in San Diego. The Task Force members are: Ken Rockwell, University of Utah; Louise Ratliff, UCLA; Sierra Laddusaw, Texas A&M; Jessica Benner, Carnegie Mellon; and Phil White, University of Colorado Boulder (Chair). In late 2018, the WAML Executive Board agreed to expand the scope of the task force to include development of a vision statement in addition to a mission statement. The Task Force began its work in spring 2019 by discussing themes that the members perceive to be related to the goals, values, and aspirations of the organization. In late spring 2019, the Task Force surveyed the WAML membership to further identify and explore the organization’s goals and aspirations. After reviewing survey results, the Task Force determined that it was necessary to seek further input from the membership at the 2019 annual meeting in Reno. At the annual meeting, the Task Force will present its work thus far, discuss the survey results, and solicit potential statements from the memberships via an interactive activity. This discussion aims to build consensus around how WAML describes itself and future organizational directives.
      3. Presentation and activity will be done tomorrow
      4. Action: Phil will have the final report and proposal submitted to Exec Board in time for publication in the November issue if IB.
      5. Discussion of integrating this into the official organization documents.
    4. Ad hoc Scholarship Committee (Phillip White)
      1. Summary: The Scholarship Committee selected two excellent recipients from a pool of fifteen applicants. This year’s scholarship recipients are Mia Partlow, currently a Fellow in Data and Visualization Services at North Carolina State University, and Rennie Lum, recent MLIS recipient from Syracuse University and Archives technician at San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park. The committee members (Andy Rutkowski, Susan Powell, Sarah Zhang, Nick Beyelia, Anita Martinez, Taylor Hixon, Phil White), as usual, had a long discussion about who to select due to the overall strength of the top candidates. The Scholarship Committee made a tweak to the program this year slightly based on feedback from recipients over the past year: We no longer differentiate between a student scholarship and a diversity scholarship. These two categories often overlapped and the committee agreed that identifying individual candidates with one category or the other was irrelevant. The committee will work to develop a long-term funding strategy in 2019-20.
  5. Old Business
    1. WAML stickers
      1. Phil has submitted design ideas to the Executive Board.
      2. Susan made the final decision (email of 8/28/2019): stylized, serif font, lighter “antique” background.
      3. Phil brought the stickers!
      4. Susan put the files in the Exec Board folder
    2. Appointed positions/Honoraria increases (Tom/Susan)
      1. In support of further Exec Board discussion, Tom submitted an informal estimate of the hours worked per year (Cf. WAML Exec Board/2018-2019 Exec Board/Appointed Positions – Hours Worked)
      2. Susan is working with Chrissy, Jon, Mike, and Ilene on potentially restructuring the roles of the IB editors. (Postponed from the May 5th meeting) Action: Susan will pursue this
    3. New Mapping position (Tom)
      1. Kathy Stroud has volunteered to take over
      2. Ken wrote an article in the IB about his work
    4. Endowment account creation
      1. Action from last meeting: Susan will talk to Bank of America about how to set up an endowment account (STATUS: Susan is on the BofA account and will consult with them)
    5. Website redesign: Julie and Susan
      1. Action from last meeting: Julie will talk to daniel about the web redesign and will send out an email in May-June to get an Ad-hoc group pulled together at the Reno meeting. (STATUS: COMPLETE)
        1. Tom reported there is an ad hoc group: Tom, Michael Fry, Evan Thornberry, Julie.  Julie will ask for volunteers at the Sounding Board.
        2. Ad hoc committee charge was sent out by Julie; they will issue recommendations
      2. MSP*:  (Tom, Susan) to approve the Ad hoc Web Committee Task Force charge, as currently written. (See Ad-Hoc Web Committee Task Force Charge           
    6. Membership Committee (Phil and Susan, Tom)
      1. Tom wrote a draft charge for a Membership Task Force Charge – Membership Task Force
      2. Ask for volunteers to serve on the committee at Sounding Board of this conference
      3. Discussion of how membership relates to the organization as a whole, its activities and mission, its sponsors. 
      4. MSP* (Tom, Matt) to adopt the charge
    7. Policies and Procedures with respect to Google-Suite (G-Suite)
      1. Action from last meeting: Tom will complete the document and upload the new version on the website and to the Google Team. (STATUS:  COMPLETE)   
      2. Action from last meeting: Tom will delete the old version of the Policies and Procedures on Google Team Drive. (STATUS: COMPLETE)
      3. Review/adopt clarification of language regarding membership on WAML Executive Board email list (Tom)
    8. Transfer of Power documents
      1. Action from last meeting: Each board member should go through their section and fill in what needs to be considered by June 7, 2019. (STATUS: COMPLETE)
      2. Action from last meeting: Phil and Tom will complete the transition by June 28, 2019. (STATUS: COMPLETE)
    9. Set up transition meetings
      1. Action from last meeting: Board members will begin the transition to the new Executive Board members starting June 10, 2019, and should set up individual meetings with their new counterparts. (STATUS: COMPLETE)
    10. Reno meeting: Susan        
      1. We’re here!
  6. New Business
    1. Disposition of old Map Librarian Toolkit files that are still live (Susan)
      1. The old pages are still out there. Action: Susan will task daniel and Jon to set up redirects to the new site
    2. Graphic designs and logos for WAML; standardized brand guide (Matt)
      1. Matt emailed a document to the Exec Board for discussion.  Action: Matt will add the document to the Exec Board documents.
      2. Matt identified a need for formal branding/design/logo for use with announcements, documents, web presence, etc.
      3. Action: Susan will mention this at the business meeting this week. Table further Exec Board discussion until January because it involves coordination with Mission/Vision and Website redesign activities.
      4. Note:  Executive Board members please see Exec Board Admin documents for related documentation: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1F1ETCQ9G_EJnIzrdXXGhhAzokKflqP06

Meeting adjourned 12:07
*MSP Motion made, seconded and passed.

Respectfully submitted:
Louise Ratliff

WAML Executive Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
University of Nevada, Reno, NV

Agenda Item 5e:  Ad-Hoc Web Committee Task Force Charge

Chair: Julie Sweetkind-Singer
Members:  daniel Brendle-Moczuk, Tom Brittnacher, Kevin Dyke, Michael Fry, Maggie Long, Evan Thornberry

Charge:  The WAML Executive Board hereby establishes the Ad-Hoc Web Committee Task Force and charges this group with evaluating WAML website and suggesting improvements. 

The following tasks should be carried out with respect to evaluating the website:

  1. Discuss with the membership the current site through conversations at the Reno WAML meeting and through a survey instrument after the meeting.  Include the following:
    1. What do they think the site is for?
    2. What should the website do for them?
    3. What do they think the scope of the website should be?
  2. Review the current content of the website.
    1. Evaluate what should stay
    2. Evaluate what should be removed
    3. Evaluate what should be added
  3. Based on these actions, define the scope of the new website.
  4. Provide recommendations regarding a revamp of the website with:
    1. Up to date technology, including security, stability, and the ability to collect analytics
    2. Content-based upon member feedback and the decisions of the committee in consultation with the Executive Board
    3. Connections to the materials held in the Archives at Stanford University

The Task Force shall present a written summary of findings to the WAML Exec Board.  The Executive Board will then create a new charge to have the website revamped. The Task Force shall be discharged when the work has been completed, ideally before the 2020 WAML Conference.

Charge approved: September 18, 2019

Agenda Item 5f:  Membership Task Force Charge

Chair: Greg Armento

Charge:  The WAML Executive Board hereby establishes the Membership Task Force and charges this group with evaluating WAML membership practices and suggesting improvements. 

The following areas shall be evaluated and recommendations made with respect to goals, priorities and possibilities:

  1. Recruiting new members (how and where)
  2. Care and nurturing of new members, including onboarding practices
  3. Retaining current members
  4. Membership benefits (what they are, what they can be, and how to promote them)
  5. Ideal membership size
  6. Membership roles and types (such as corporate sponsors)
  7. Streamlining of processes
    1. New memberships
    2. Membership renewals
    3. Membership payments along with conference registration
    4. Payment processing (checks, Paypal vs. RegFox, etc.)
  8. Streamlining WAML-L processes with membership emails
  9. Creating a permanent membership committee

In addition, the WAML Bylaws and Policies and Procedures shall be reviewed and the Task Force shall provide suggestions to the Executive Board regarding any changes.

The Task Force shall present a written summary of findings to the WAML Exec Board.  The Task Force shall be discharged when the work has been completed, ideally before the 2020 WAML Conference.

Charge approved: September 18, 2019

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